» Steroids Powder » Boldenone Powder » Equipoise steroid/Boldenone Undecylenate

Equipoise steroid/Boldenone Undecylenate

Product Name:Boldenone Undecylenate
Other Name:Equipoise
Purity:99% HPLC
Packing:10g,100g,500g and 1kg
Min Order: Oil---100ml
Payment:Bitcoin,USDT and Bank Account
Lead time:24hours after received payment
Safe shipping to US and most of Europe country

  • Description

What is Boldenone?

The Boldenone family will be different because of the fat chain it carries. The familiar ones are Equipoise steroid and Boldenone Cypionate. Bodybuilders and athletes will be familiar with them. Equipoise and Boldenone Cypionate can be used as a medicine to improve performance and fitness medicine. If you plan to use Boldenone to exercise or meet fitness needs, such as weight gain or weight loss. You need to clearly understand how drugs work. Equipoise and Boldenone Cypionate will increase your muscle mass, reduce fat, and help you achieve lean muscle mass. It also need to learn about the Boldenone side effects and the best Boldenone Cycle for bulking muscle and cutting fat.。 If you are interested in the information of Equipoise steroid and Boldenone Cypionate, and plan to purchase it. Then is your best choice. Here are most of the products you want about fitness and muscle enhancement. It can also provide customized services for customers.

What is Equipoise steroid?

Equipoise steroid is also known as Boldenone Undecylenate, or EQ for short. It is a steroid derived from Boldenone,. EQ was initially used as anabolic steroids for veterinary use, but in the 1950s Ciba introduced it into the human drug market under the trade name Parenabol. Some friends think that Deca and Equipoise steroid are very similar. Of course, they are all a kind of testosterone, but because of the different chemical structure and composition of Deca and Boldenone Undecylenate, Deca has strong progesterone characteristics, while Boldenone Undecylenate is not so obvious.

Equipoise steroid Functions and Features

Equipoise steroid is a derivative of testosterone in structure, and a double bond is added between the carbon atoms at the first and second positions of testosterone. This double bond greatly reduces the characteristics of this hormone in terms of male and female hormones. On the basis of this structure, the Boldenone Undecylenate ester chain is added, which controls the release time of Boldenone Undecylenate into the human body. The content of Equipoise in human body reached its peak 3-4 days after injection and continued to release in the next 21 days or so.

Due to the characteristics of these structures, the ability of Equipoise steroid to transform into estrogen is only 50% of that of testosterone, which means that the side effects produced by estrogen will be much less than that of testosterone. Although the ability of anabolism is not as strong as that of testosterone, because the side effects of Equipoise steroid on estrogen are less, it can make bodybuilder gain more significant muscle growth.

From the perspective of anabolic ability, Equipoise steroid and testosterone have a lot in common.

  1. Improve protein synthesis efficiency
  2. Improve the nitrogen storage rate of muscle cells
  3. Inhibit the secretion of Glucocorticoid, promote the secretion of IGF-1
  4. Increase the number of red blood cells in the blood.

Equipoise steroid Effects

Equipoise steroid is safe for most users and can improve the anabolic capacity of the body. It has also been used to treat muscle loss and osteoporosis in the past.

When used as a non-season muscle cycle drug, Equipoise steroid can increase lean weight, but its effect is relatively slow compared with other steroids. Drugs such as Deca, A50, or Dbol have a much better muscle strengthening effect than Boldenone Undecylenate, but the disadvantage is that they will cause serious edema.

Another well-known feature of Boldenone Undecylenate is that it can increase appetite, strength and recovery ability, and increase strength and muscle volume during non-competition period. However, the disadvantage of EQ is that it will be detected for a long time after injection, sometimes even up to five months.

Boldenone Undecylenate can also be used during the fat reduction period. It has excellent effects on muscle retention. No matter whether you use steroids or not, you must make sure that the calories consumed during the fat reduction period are greater than the calories consumed by you, which may lead to muscle consumption in this state; A reasonable diet can protect your muscles, but without steroids, muscles still have a great chance to be decomposed. Equipoise steroid can save muscles to the maximum extent, and can also adjust body state well. Equipoise steroid is often used as the early starting drug of the lipid-lowering cycle. When the cycle is half way through, Equipoise steroid will be stopped to avoid the side effects of estrogen (although EQ’s estrogen side effects are not strong).

It’s a good idea to use cycle aids with your EQ run, both cardarine (GW-501516) and N2Guard is a must. In addition, an aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or arimidex is needed with boldenone.

Equipoise steroid Side Effects

Equipoise steroid is well tolerated by male users, while many female users can also well tolerate it in a small dose. The side effects of Equipoise are easily accepted by most adults, as follows:

  1. Estrogen

Equipoise steroid molecule does not produce very serious aromatization, but this effect still exists due to the intrinsic interaction with aromatase. Excessive estrogen can lead to gynecomastia, edema and hypertension. However, the aromatization degree of EQ is small, so the side effects are easy to control for most male users (of course, the relative side effects will also increase when the dose is increased). In order to control the side effects of EQ, anti-estrogen drugs are necessary and prepared.

  1. Masculinization

The side effects of masculinization caused by Equipoise steroid include acne, hair loss, baldness and body hair growth. However, the double bonds between carbon atoms 1 and 2 in structure largely reduce the side effects of masculinization of Equipoise, which is quite safe for most.

The main side effect is that steroids are catabolized by 5-alpha reductase to produce DHT (dihydrotestosterone), but EQ is not affected by 5-alpha reductase, especially when the drug of Peirou is used to control DHT.

Due to the masculinity of Equipoise steroid, women may cause female-male sexual symptoms when using it, including body hair growth, voice line thickening and clitoris enlargement. Because the male hormone characteristics of EQ are not strong, most women are unlikely to have these symptoms. Everyone’s sensitivity is different. Once female users begin to show feminization, they should immediately stop using until the symptoms disappear, otherwise the damage caused may be irreversible.

  1. Cardiovascular aspects

Compared with other kinds of steroids (especially oral steroids), EQ has much less cardiovascular side effects. However, EQ does have a negative effect on the cholesterol synthesis rate, especially in inhibiting the production of HDL cholesterol. However, this is not an extreme feature. Most healthy adult users should be able to control it properly. Of course, if you use selective estrogen modulators (SERMs) in Cycle, the content of blood lipids will rise, which will increase the bad cholesterol in the body.

When using EQ and any other anabolic steroids, users should pay attention to the cholesterol in the body and ensure that there are no red letters in all indicators before starting to use. Equipoise steroid users can avoid or slow down the cholesterol problem by maintaining adequate intake of fiber, proper cholesterol and sufficient Omega fatty acids.

  1. Endogenous testosterone

Like all anabolic steroids, Equipoise steroid can also inhibit the secretion of testosterone in the body. Therefore, male users should also use exogenous testosterone when using Equipoise. It doesn’t matter what testosterone drugs are used. The important thing is that you need them to ensure the overall testosterone concentration in your body. Too low testosterone will cause a series of problems, which will have a great impact on the health of users.

After the use of Equipoise steroid is over and other exogenous steroid hormones have left your body, a post-cycle repair process (PCT) is still necessary. The PCT process will make your testosterone level recover more quickly. A good PCT can ensure that your testosterone level is gradually returning to normal. As before, it still allows the body to function normally, which will also accelerate testosterone secretion. An important point in the recovery process is that your natural recovery process is based on the premise that your testosterone level is not too low and your gonadal axis is not damaged. Some people will choose to use Equipoise steroid at the beginning of the whole cycle, and use steroids with other ester chains before the end of the cycle, which will accelerate the process of PCT.

  1. Hepatotoxicity

Equipoise steroid has no hepatotoxicity.

Boldenone Undecylenate Use and Cycle

The standard EQ use range is about 400-1000mg per week. Most men also have a good tolerance for the side effects of 1000 mg per week.

It is common that many users will use it for 8 weeks and then stop using other drugs that will not aromatize.

Eight weeks is still the minimum period of use in the non-competition period, and twelve weeks will be more effective. In any case, Equipoise steroid is very versatile and compatible with other steroids.


Overview of Equipoise steroid

Equipoise steroid is a commonly used steroid, which is very suitable to be used as a drug for cycle initiation. Equipoise can make the muscle grow steadily at the beginning of the muscle cycle. Although the growth will not be particularly significant, it will not be seriously aromatized, so the growth is pure muscle. Male users will also find that Equipoise steroid is very effective for strength growth, which is very useful in off-season training. Equipoise will increase appetite, but the effect varies from person to person. In the fat reduction cycle, Equipoise steroid is very suitable for maintaining muscle and strength. However, the biggest benefit of Equipoise steroid is that it can make blood vessels more obvious and muscles more full. Regardless of its use, Equipoise steroid is a good anabolic steroid.

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