Arimidex /Anazole

Nombre del producto:Anastrozol
Otro nombre: Arimidex
N.º CAS: 120511-73-1
MF: C17H19N5
MW: 293.37
apariencia: polvo blanco.
pureza: 99%
embalaje: muestra 10g,100G500g,1kg
Envío seguro a EE.UU. y la mayor parte del país de Europa

  • descripción

Culturismo Arimidex

Arimidex is a powerful anti estrogen drug (También se llama bloqueador de estrógeno), que puede evitar que las células produzcan o usen estrógeno (hormona femenina). Fue aprobado para entrar en el mercado farmacéutico en 1995. Arimidex es un inhibidor de la aromatasa, que puede reducir directamente el nivel de estrógeno que circula en el cuerpo. Al principio, Arimidex could reduce the growth of breast cancer cells and was used to treat breast cancer. Later, steroid users and bodybuilders used Arimidex bodybuilding to inhibit the feminization during the cycle.

Arimidex bodybuilding uses

Let’s learn about Arimidex bodybuilding uses. Aromatase in the human body will aromatize the male hormone steroids, thus producing estrogen. The side effects of these estrogens deeply perplex bodybuilders or athletes who use AAS (Androgenetic Anabolic Steroids). They need anti estrogen drugs to solve these problems. Arimidex belongs to AI (Aromatase inhibitor), a kind of anti estrogen. Aromatase is an enzyme responsible for converting androgen into estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors are compounds that eliminate estrogen production by binding to and inactivating aromatase. AI can effectively block the transformation of steroids into estrogen and reduce the production or synthesis of estrogen. Although not all steroids will be aromatic, body building often uses testosterona, Nandrolona, and vigorously supplement these very popular male hormones will bring strong estrogen effect. The common drugs for AI are Aromasina, Arimidex and Letrozole.

As one of the best AI, Arimidex is considered to be the most effective choice to fight against the side effects of estrogen caused by the use of aromatic steroids, such as Feminine chest, water retention and hypertension accompanied by excessive water retention.

Arimidex vs Nolvadex

Due to the development of biotechnology, more and more bodybuilders are adding some anti estrogen drugs to CYCLE using steroids, and some anti estrogen drugs will also be added appropriately in the PCT period after AAS. They are also anti estrogen drugs, which will be different in different periods.

Arimidex features

During the AAS cycle, body building usually chooses AI such as Arimidex, because AI fundamentally blocks the production of estrogen. De esta manera, male breast hypertrophy, water retention and hypertension accompanied by excessive water retention caused by excessive estrogen will not occur.

According to research, using Arimidex can reduce the estrogen level in the body by 80%. Because AI is too strong to resist females, the estrogen content will be too low. But estrogen also plays an important role in the human body.

  1. Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining proper mineralization and bone density in bone tissue.
  2. Estrogen plays a key role in the central nervous system (CNS), and low estrogen level caused by any compound for any reason will lead to daily chronic fatigue.
  3. Because estrogen plays a key role in maintaining and managing proper cholesterol health.

Nolvadex features

Nolvadex belongs to SERM (Modulador selectivo del receptor de estrógeno). It is an anti estrogen drug and acts as both an antagonist and an agonist Nolvadex binds to estrogen receptors in certain parts of the body. This way of working means that only one part of the body can resist estrogen, while estrogen can still function in other parts of the body

In the PCT process after the AAS bodybuilders end the cycle, SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator) drugs such as Nolvadex are usually used. Nolvadex belongs to SERM (Modulador selectivo del receptor de estrógeno). It is an anti estrogen drug and acts as both an antagonist and an agonist Nolvadex binds to estrogen receptors in certain parts of the body. This way of working means that only one part of the body can resist estrogen, while estrogen can still function in other parts of the body

It also has the ability to increase FSH (hormona folículo estimulante) y LH (hormona luteinizante). Esto se logra bloqueando la inhibición de la retroalimentación negativa causada por el estrógeno hipotalámico (a través del efecto de la hormona liberadora de gonadotropina) para promover la liberación de las hormonas pituitarias anteriores. This is similar to Clomid ® Clomiphene and cyclofenil have very similar functions. Dado que una mayor liberación de LH puede estimular las células de Leydig en los testículos (masculino) para producir más testosterona, El tamoxifeno puede tener un impacto positivo en los niveles séricos de testosterona.

Después de que un culturista termine un ciclo AAS, el nivel de testosterona de los usuarios de AAS se volverá muy bajo. Es urgente restaurar su nivel de andrógenos a la normalidad. Si el cuerpo se recupera de forma natural, El período de recuperación puede ser de hasta un año. Si está en este estado durante mucho tiempo, las dimensiones musculares acumuladas con fuerza durante el ciclo AAS se perderán en grandes cantidades. Nolvadex para pct es necesario. Dado que Nolvadex puede estimular la producción de testosterona endógena, Puede ayudar al culturista a restablecer rápidamente el equilibrio de los niveles hormonales.

Como fármaco antiestrógeno, Nolvadex juega un papel importante en la regulación del colesterol sérico. A menudo es compatible con HDL (bien) síntesis de colesterol y reducción del colesterol de lipoproteínas de baja densidad Puede ayudar a los usuarios a mantener niveles saludables de colesterol. It is very helpful for AAS users.

por lo tanto, the best choice for bodybuilders is to combine the characteristics of Arimidex vs Nolvadex and the reasonable use of HCG.

Arimidex (Anazole) dose

Doses of 0.5-1 mg are common for steroid users. Few people need more than 1mg. In most cases, 0.5mg is enough. sin embargo, athletes during the preparation period will find that it is very effective to keep taking 0.5mg anastrozole Arimidex (Anazole) every day for 10-14 Días, which can make muscles more solid.

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