
Nombre del producto: Exemestán
Otro nombre: Aromasin
MF: C20H24O2
MW: 296.4034
Cas: 107868-30-4
apariencia: White crystalline powder
pureza: 99%
embalaje: muestra 10g,100G500g,1kg
Envío seguro a EE.UU. y la mayor parte del país de Europa

  • descripción

Aromasin culturismo

Before understanding the role of aromasin bodybuilding. Primero entendamos qué es el anti estrógeno . Antiestrógeno, También conocido como bloqueador de estrógeno. Es una sustancia que impide que las células produzcan o usen estrógeno. (hormona femenina). Los científicos creen que el antiestrógeno puede reducir el crecimiento de las células de cáncer de mama y prevenir o reducir la gravedad del cáncer de mama. Además, bodybuilders also use anti estrogen products to increase muscle and PCT.

Types of anti estragen

Anti estrogen drugs are generally divided into two categories:

  1. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). SERMs inhibit the estrogen activity of some parts of the body by controlling estrogen receptors to promote the anti estrogen effect in the body. The representative drugs are Novadex and Clomid.
  2. Aromatase inhibitor (IA): Aromatase is an enzyme responsible for converting androgen into estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors are compounds that eliminate estrogen production by binding to and inactivating aromatase. Aromatase inhibitors can effectively block the transformation of steroids into estrogen and reduce the production or synthesis of estrogen. Common drugs are Aromasin, Arimidex and Letrozole. These differences of AI will be explained in detail in the blog in the future. This paper introduces the classification of anti estragen. Let’s learn more about Aromasin.

What is Aromasin

Exemestane was originally designed by Pharmacia&Upjohn to treat female patients with breast cancer, especially postmenopausal patients. When other treatments for breast cancer fail (como Nolvadex), it is used as an adjuvant treatment. Shortly after development, FDA approved the use of Aromasin (exemestane) in the prescription drug market in 1999. Since its initial release, its use and sales have spread all over the world, almost in every country in the world.

The use of androgen steroids (AAS body building) is mainly troubled by excessive estrogen. Because androgens are very easy to combine with aromatase in the body to produce estrogen, the more AAS brings the more estrogen. Aromasin is a steroid aromatase inhibitor. It has the characteristics of the carbon structure of tetracyclic cycloalkanes common to all steroid molecules. De esta manera, he can disguise himself as androgen to make aromatase easier to combine with Aromasin. De esta manera, androgens that get rid of aromatase entanglement can play a better role. Moreover, Aromasin is a newly developed drug, and its combination with aromatase is quite firm, so even if the use of Aromasin is suddenly stopped, there is no risk of estrogen rebound.

Aromasin bodybuilding uses

After understanding the working mechanism of Aromasin, it is obvious that this wonderful effect will be widely used by athletes using AAS and bodybuilders. Because when AAS is used, aromatase aromatizes (or converts) androgens (such as testosterone) into estrogen. This usually causes the physiological level of estrogen in the body to be much higher than normal. Aromasin is very popular among individuals who use anabolic steroids, because it fundamentally eliminates the problem of the rise of estrogen level: by combining and inhibiting/disabling aromatase, when using Testosterona, Dianabol, Boldenona and other products, androgens beyond the physiological level cannot be converted into estrogen, and those related to the side effects of estrogen are related to: the performance of male breast development, Retención de agua, abdominal distension, and elevated blood pressure were well controlled.

Aromasin benifits

Aromasin bodybuilding has a conventional anti estrogen effect and stimulates the secretion of endogenous testosterone in PCT. It also has Some advantages that other aromatase inhibitors do not have include:

  1. The combination with aromatase is very close, and estrogen is not easy to rebound after drug withdrawal.
  2. Stimulate the increase of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1),
  3. The incompatibility with other compounds is very small (this is not seen in other aromatase inhibitors).
  4. Less negative impact on cholesterol values (again, this is not seen in other aromatase inhibitors).

Aromasin Efectos secundarios

As we can see in all drug instructions, there are some side effects. Aromasin is known for its tolerance to most users. sin embargo, it is not without potential side effects, there are also some concerns. They are usually due to too much or too fast reduction of estrogen levels, or too long inhibition of estrogen. It is also important to understand that the side effects of any aromatase inhibitor use are greater in women than in men.

  1. People often experience joint and/or bone pain. This is because estrogen plays an important role in maintaining proper mineralization and bone density in bone tissue.
  2. Sleepiness and fatigue are common side effects of Aromasin and all other AIs. Estrogen plays a key role in the central nervous system (CNS). Low estrogen levels caused by any compound for any reason will lead to daily chronic fatigue. The return of estrogen levels to normal physiological levels should mitigate this side effect.
  3. Negative cholesterol change is another major risk of any AI use, including Aromasin. Since estrogen plays a key role in maintaining and managing proper cholesterol health, its severe reduction will lead to a negative impact on LDL and HDL values. sin embargo, Aromasin has been shown to have less negative effects than other aromatase inhibitors in the study. sin embargo, the risks still exist and regular examinations and blood tests should be carried out.
  4. As an androgen, Aromasin has its own structural characteristics. Side effects of androgen may also indeed include factors such as oily skin (and as a result of acne), increased facial and body hair growth, and triggers of MPB (male pattern baldness).

Aromasin dosage

Aromasin for male breast development and estrogen control

In order to treat gynecomastia and control estrogen continuously during the anabolic steroid cycle, the average dose tends to be 12.5 – 25 mg por día. Some users even choose the scheme of 12.5 times every other day, but this largely depends on what aromatization anabolic steroids are being used and how much (in dosage).

Some people will always prepare Aromasin until estrogen related side effects appear. In this case, the patient may choose to take a full 25 mg dose until the side effects subside, and then reduce the dose to 12.5 mg por día, which may eventually be 12.5 mg cada dos días, or even less frequently.

Aromasin bodybuilding dose

Research shows that Aromasin can indeed increase the natural testosterone level in men by 60%, which is quite significant, especially after only 10 Días. The ideal dosage of Aromasin is 25mg per day, and the duration shall not exceed 2 Semanas. Nolvadex is usually used with Aromasin for 4 weeks at a dose of 20-40 Mg.

Aromasin half-life

The half-life of Aromasin is about 27 horas. It can be taken at any time of the day, but studies and prescriptions indicate that Aromasin may be better absorbed by the body if taken with food. We must also understand that Aromasin takes seven full days to get the body to reach the peak level of compounds in the plasma.

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