» Esteroides líquido » Esteroide líquido único » NPP Steroid/Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Liquid

NPP esteroide / nandrolona fenilpropionato líquido

Nandrolone Phenyl propionate 200mg/ml oil
pureza:99% HPLC
Orden mínima: Polvo---10gramo, Aceite---100ml
pago:Bitcoin,Moneygram y Wester Union
Plazo de entrega:24horas después del pago recibido
Envío seguro a EE.UU. y la mayor parte del país de Europa

  • descripción

Stellar_lab es un laboratorio profesional para productos de construcción muscular. NPP steroid is one of the single liquid steroids series products. Conventional NPP steroid products consist of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, que puede ser diversamente acortado en círculos de culturismo. Nuestros productos de esteroides líquidos se utilizan sin filtración. Stellar_lab puede personalizar los productos líquidos esteroides de acuerdo con la fórmula del cliente, después de ser evaluado por personal profesional y técnico. Normalmente, we offer Nandrolone Phenylpropionate products in the following two specifications:

  1. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg/ml

Los productos líquidos de esteroides regulares se ajustarán de acuerdo con la demanda del mercado. Si estás interesado en el producto, Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener la última lista de existencias. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros en stellar_lab@aliyun.com ,Si tiene requisitos líquidos de esteroides personalizados.


Las recetas más populares en el mercado son las siguientes:

Recipe for Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 200mg/ml-20ml
4grams NPP powder
100%EO 12.6ml
BA 0.4ml
BB 4ml


Nandrolone Phenylpropionate overview

NPP steroid is a hormone that is derived from the body’s own androgens and is used in bodybuilding and other forms of weight training.It is also used as a medication to treat certain conditions, such as prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

NPP steroid is a synthetic androgenic steroid and belongs to the group of drugs called androgenic steroids. It is synthesized from testosterone and is similar to testosterone in structure and function, pero con una estructura química y un mecanismo de acción diferentes.

En culturismo, NPP steroid is typically used as a weight-loss aid and is often combined with other supplements, such as protein supplements, Aminoácidos, and creatine. The purpose of taking nandrolone is to increase muscle size and strength, as well as to improve body composition and fat loss.

NPP steroid effects

Through a understanding of the functions and traits of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate we already have a good understanding of the positive effects of this steroid. sin embargo, to put it in terms that a performance athlete can appreciate we can be a little more specific.

Para el atleta fuera de temporada, a bulking cycle, npp steroid is one of the best steroids he can choose to enhance muscularity and size. This is one of the best mass builders available and for many bodybuilders is used in every bulking plan. Despite being a faster acting Nandrolone form growth will not occur rapidly, but it will be steady, even and significant.

This is assuming you are eating enough to grow. In order to grow you must consume more calories than you burn. No steroid in the world can change this truth. But you will get more out of your growth with a steroid like Nandrolone Phenylpropionate if you are doing things properly. You should also notice you stay leaner in your off-season due to the significant metabolic effects of the hormone. And when it comes to recovery from strenuous training very few things will beat Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.

npp steroid can also be used for cutting cycles, although it’s not commonly thought of as a cutting steroid. This steroid will significantly protect lean muscle mass better than many steroids. When we diet we must burn more calories than we consume. This is the only way body fat can be lost. Desgraciadamente, this puts lean muscle tissue at risk. When we diet some lean tissue will be lost, but successful dieting limits this loss, and Nandrolone can provide this protective measure. And once again the recovery benefits will be tremendous, especially when recovery can already be incredibly difficult when dieting due to the caloric deficit.

The final benefits for performance surround the athlete. Many athletes use low doses of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate for the recovery and joint relief benefits. These are not masking benefits like painkillers provide but true relief. Some may also find strength increases to a degree, although this isn’t a steroid well known for tremendous strength increasing properties. Regardless, this is one of the more common steroids used by athletes.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Dosage

The dosage and frequency of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate varies depending on the purpose and condition being treated. It is usually taken as a single dose or divided into smaller doses, con el consejo del médico, durante un período de tiempo. En culturismo, the dosage of nandrolone is typically 100-200 mg/kg/day divided into smaller doses, como 50 o 100 mg/kg/day for increasing muscle size and strength, y 15 o 30 mg/kg/day for improving body composition.

How to buy npp steroid

Por lo general, tenemos productos de stock regulares, Si está interesado en el producto, Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener la última lista de existencias.

Si tienes una receta para personalizar, También puedes enviarnos, por evaluación del personal profesional y técnico, e informar el precio y el tiempo.

Tenemos línea de transporte especial muy segura, npp steroid products can be sold to Europe, Estados Unidos,Canadá, Australia y así sucesivamente.

Nuestro método de pago es Bitcoin USDT y BankAccount.

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  • Sobre nosotros

    www.sarmonline.com es la plataforma de ventas de polvo de esteroides para la venta de Stellar_lab, proporcionando polvo de esteroides de alta calidad China a clientes de todo el mundo.


    Ciudad biológica del valle óptico de alta tecnología, Lago del Este, Ciudad de Wuhan,China.

    Correo electrónico: stellar_lab@aliyun.com

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