Пропионат дростанолона / жидкость Мастерон

Drostanolone Propionate 100mg/ml oil
чистота:99% ВЭЖХ
Мин Орден: Порошок---10gram, Масло---100мл
уплата:Биткоин,Moneygram и Вестер Союза
Время упреждения:24часов после получения платежа
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  • описание

Stellar_lab является профессиональной лабораторией продуктов для наращивания мышечной массы. Drostanolone Propionate is one of the single liquid steroids series products. Conventional Masteron Propionate products consist of Drostanolone Propionate, которые могут быть по-разному сокращены в кругах бодибилдинга. Наши жидкие стероиды используются без фильтрации. Stellar_lab можем настроить жидкие продукты стероидов в соответствии с формулой заказчика, после оценки профессиональным и техническим персоналом. Обычно, we offer Drostanolone Propionate products in the following two specifications:

  1. Drostanolone Propionate 100mg/ml

Обычные жидкие продукты стероидов будут скорректированы в соответствии с рыночным спросом. Если вы заинтересованы в продукте, Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами для получения последнего списка акций. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по телефону stellar_lab@aliyun.com ,Если у вас есть индивидуальные требования к жидкости для стероидов.

Мастерон (Дростанолон пропионат) 100мг/мл рецепт- 250мл
25 грамм мастерон Пропионат (20мл)
5мл БА (2%)
50мл ББ (20%)
175мл масла

Drostanolone propionate Overview

Дростанолон пропионат (PRE), also known as testosterone propionate, is a synthetic androgenic steroid (ААС) that is used to treat male pattern baldness.It is typically used in conjunction with other AAS, such as testosterone enanthate (ТЭ), дигидротестостерон (DHT), and nandrolone (ND), to help manage androgenic hair loss.

PRE is typically taken by injection into the skin or intramuscularly, and is available as a gel or liquid preparation.It is metabolized by the body to produce testosterone and other metabolites, and therefore is not suitable for use by individuals who are intolerant to AAS or do not wish to undergo the side effects associated with AAS use.

Although PRE is considered to be a safer alternative to AAS for some men, it is still considered to have some potential side effects, such as decreased libido, повышенная тревожность,, and decreased sperm quality.In addition, some studies have shown a potential link between PRE use and increased risk of prostate cancer.


Drostanolone Propionate half-life and Dosage

As a propionate ester, Masteron has a half-life of probably two days and therefore is preferably injected at least every other day, and more preferably daily. An enanthate ester version having a half-life of probably 5 days has become available. This version of Masteron may be injected as infrequently as twice per week.
The traditional (propionate) form of Masteron is also advantageous for brief cycles or for use at the end of a longer cycle, giving quick transition from high, anabolically-effective blood levels to levels sufficiently low to allow recovery of natural testosterone production.
Very simply, Masteron does very well what it’s supposed to do, and has as mild a side-effect profile as is possible for an anabolic steroid. I have never known anyone to be disappointed with this steroid, provided sufficient dosing was used.
Dromostanolone propionate is the chemical name of the active ingredient in Masteron. Masteron was a registered trademark of Sarva-Syntex in Belgium and/or other countries prior to cancellation.

Don’t using Masteron alone for a steroid cycle or HRT because estradiol levels typically fall too low when this is done. Inclusion of for example at least 100 mg/week testosterone, at least 10 mg/day Dianabol, or at least 700 IU/week total HCG will maintain normal estradiol levels during a Masteron-only cycle, should one wish to do this.


Masteron Stacks

Masteron can be used as the sole injectable: in this case, I prefer to see dosing of 500-700 мг/неделя. A Masteron/Дианабол stack is more effective however, as is a Masteron/Анадрол стек. Testosterone also combines well with Masteron.
Another use of Masteron which has become more common lately is combination with тренболон. Unlike combination with Dianabol or Anadrol, there is only an additive effect, not a synergistic effect. однако, including Masteron allows a lower trenbolone dosage while achieving very similar or equal physique benefit with less potential for trenbolone-specific side effects of night-sweats, increased tendency to aggression, and/or insomnia.
Masteron also is useful in combination with testosterone for self-prescribed hormone-replacement therapy (HRT.) Например, 100 mg/week each of Masteron and testosterone can be superior for physique benefits to 200 mg/week testosterone alone, while being milder in side effects due to lower resulting levels of estradiol (estrogen) and DHT.


How Masteron Compares to Other Steroids

Many have called Masteron a “weak” steroid, но это определенно не так.. Что часто было слабым, так это дозы.! Дозы этого препарата исторически были низкими из-за редкости., цена, and low concentration of the preparations (100 mg/mL.) однако, both availability and price have improved markedly in recent years.
When included as part of a steroid stack, Masteron’s contribution per milligram is at least as great as that of testosterone, болденон (Противовес), nandrolone (Дека), or methenolone (Primobolan.) But of course, if only 100 или 200 mg is added per week, there will be no large change seen from such a small addition.


Drostanolone Propionate Side Effects

Дростанолон пропионат (PRE) is a synthetic androgenic steroid (ААС) that is used to treat male pattern baldness and other symptoms.It is typically used in conjunction with other AAS, such as testosterone enanthate (ТЭ), дигидротестостерон (DHT), and nandrolone (ND), to help manage androgenic hair loss.

PRE is typically taken by injection into the skin or intramuscularly, and is available as a gel or liquid preparation.It is metabolized by the body to produce testosterone and other metabolites, and therefore is not suitable for use by individuals who are intolerant to AAS or do not wish to undergo the side effects associated with AAS use.

The main side effects of PRE include decreased libido, anxiety, decreased sperm quality, and increased risk of prostate cancer.In addition, some studies have shown a potential link between PRE use and increased risk of prostate cancer.

It is important to note that although PRE is considered to be a safer alternative to AAS for some men, it still carries some potential risks and side effects.It is recommended that individuals seeking treatment for male pattern baldness consult with a doctor or professional medical advisor prior to using any form of AAS or other drugs.


How to buy Drostanolone Propionate

Обычно у нас есть обычные товары на складе, Если вы заинтересованы в продукте, Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами для получения последнего списка акций

Если у вас есть рецепт для настройки, Вы также можете отправить нам, по оценке профессионального и технического персонала, и сообщить цену и время

У нас есть очень безопасная специальная транспортная линия, Drostanolone Propionate products can be sold to Europe, США,Канада, Австралия и так далее.

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    www.sarmonline.com является платформа продаж стероидного порошка для продажи Stellar_lab, предоставление высококачественного стероидного порошка Китай клиентам по всему миру.


    Высокотехнологичный оптический долине биологический город, Ист-Лейк, Ухань Сити,Китай.

    Отправить по электронной почте: stellar_lab@aliyun.com

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