
Название продукта:Letrozol
Другое имя:Femara
Молекулярная формула: C17H11N5
чистота:99% ВЭЖХ
упаковка:10соль,100соль,500г и 1кг
Мин Орден: Порошок---10gram
Время упреждения:24часов после получения платежа
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What is Letrozole(Femara)

Medical research has found that excessive estrogen is directly related to breast cancer. Летрозол был первоначально разработан для борьбы с раком молочной железы. Его роль заключается в снижении и ингибировании накопления эстрогена в организме.. Структура и активность этого соединения очень похожи на структуру и активность Аримидекса., and its clinical and medical uses are also consistent. The prescription guidelines for letrozole in the United States recommend that it be used to treat postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor positive or unknown breast cancer. After estrogen receptor antagonists such as Tamoxifen fail to cause the required response, they are usually used as the second therapeutic agent, and sometimes as the first therapeutic agent according to the situation. Later bodybuilders and athletes found that letrozole can reduce the ability of anabolism/androgen steroid related estrogen side effects, such as Femine Chest, Задержка воды, hypertension and other side effects.

How Letrozole works

The aromatase in the human body will aromatize the male hormone steroid, thus producing the female hormone. The side effects of these estrogens have deeply troubled the bodybuilders or athletes who use AAS (Androgenic Anabolic Steroids). They need anti-estrogen drugs to solve these problems.
Letrozole is one of a series of new drugs targeting aromatase inhibitors. It is the most effective estrogen-lowering drug developed so far, and has a stronger effect than non-selective first-generation aromatase inhibitors such as Tesla and Amlumide. During clinical use, only 2.5 mg of letrozole is enough to reduce the estrogen level by an average of 78%. The drug can also maintain its relatively effective properties at lower doses. The instructions of the product indicate that the low dose in clinical research is 0.1 и 0.5 mg respectively, which can produce 75 и 78% estrogen inhibition in many patients respectively
Letrozole belongs to AI (Ингибитор ароматазы), a kind of anti-estrogen. Ароматаза – это фермент, отвечающий за превращение андрогена в эстроген. Aromatase inhibitor is a compound that can eliminate estrogen production by combining with aromatase and making it ineffective. It can effectively block the conversion of steroids into estrogen and reduce the production or synthesis of estrogen. Хотя не все стероиды будут ароматическими, bodybuilding often uses such as testosterone and nandrolone, and vigorously supplements these very popular male hormones will bring strong estrogen effect. The common drugs for AI are Letrozole, Aromasin and Аримидекс.

The Benefits of Letrozole

Due to the rapid development of biotechnology, more and more bodybuilders are adding some anti-female drugs while using steroid CYCLE, and some anti-female drugs will also be added appropriately in the PCT period after AAS. They are also anti-female drugs, and their choices will be different in different periods.

Во время цикла AAS, bodybuilding usually chooses AI such as Letrozole, потому что ИИ принципиально блокирует выработку эстрогена. Таким образом,, phenomena such as femine chests, water retention and hypertension caused by excessive estrogen will not occur.
Согласно исследованиям, using Letrozole can significantly reduce the level of estrogen in the body. Because AI is too powerful against female, содержание эстрогена будет слишком низким. But estrogen also plays an important role in human body.
1. Эстроген играет важную роль в поддержании надлежащей минерализации и плотности костной ткани.
2. Эстроген играет ключевую роль в центральной нервной системе (ЦНС). Any low estrogen level caused by any compound for any reason will lead to daily chronic fatigue.
3. Потому что эстроген играет ключевую роль в поддержании и контроле уровня холестерина.

In the PCT process after AAS bodybuilders end the cycle, they usually choose to use SERM (selective estrogen receptor regulator) drugs. SERM is an anti-estrogen drug that acts as an antagonist and agonist at the same time. SERM binds to estrogen receptors in some parts of the body. Такой способ работы означает, что только одна часть тела может сопротивляться эстрогену, while estrogen can still work in other parts of the body
SERM also has the ability to increase FSH (фолликулостимулирующего гормона) и ЛГ (лютеинизирующий гормон). Это достигается за счет блокировки торможения отрицательной обратной связи, вызванного гипоталамическим эстрогеном (through the role of gonadotropin releasing hormone) способствовать высвобождению вышеперечисленных гормонов гипофиза,. This is different from Clomid ® (Clomiphene) and Nolvadex have very similar functions. Since the higher release of LH can stimulate the testicular interstitial cells in the testis (мужской) для выработки большего количества тестостерона, tamoxifen can have a positive impact on the serum testosterone level.

After the bodybuilder finishes an AAS cycle, уровень тестостерона у пользователей ААС станет очень низким. Необходимо срочно восстановить их уровень андрогенов до нормы. Если организм восстанавливается естественным путем, Восстановительный период может длиться до одного года. Если вы находитесь в таком состоянии длительное время, the muscle dimensions accumulated during the AAS cycle will be largely lost. SERM for pct is necessary. Because SERM can stimulate the production of endogenous testosterone, Он может помочь бодибилдеру быстро восстановить баланс уровня гормонов.
As an anti-estrogen drug, SERM plays an important role in the regulation of serum cholesterol. Он часто поддерживает HDL (хороший) cholesterol synthesis and low density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction. It can help users maintain a relatively healthy cholesterol level.

Letrozole uses and dosage

First of all, it must be understood that letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor with wide application in estrogen control. As an aromatase inhibitor, its function is to help steriods users avoid or eliminate all potential estrogen-related side effects.
The general rule of using all aromatase inhibitors is not to use any aromatase inhibitors unless absolutely necessary; При необходимости, only use it at the lowest possible dose when it is very necessary. Our goal is to control estrogen rather than eliminate it. This is very important. All readers should keep in mind the purpose of aromatase inhibitors.

На самом деле, no matter the three main aromatase inhibitors or any other aromatase inhibitor will have a negative impact on the body when it is unnecessary or the dose is too high. The reason for using aromatase inhibitors should always be tocontrolestrogen, not toeliminateestrogen.
Letrozole is an auxiliary drug. Its purpose is not to improve the comprehensive performance of users. It can not be divided into primary, intermediate and advanced users like steroids. It is only used to combat or reduce various side effects related to estrogen.
In some cases of PCT, letrozole may also be used to promote the secretion of endogenous testosterone in men, but this purpose is not common.
The use of letrozole in one cycle is mainly to control estrogen, and the dose range of letrozole used for this purpose is very wide.
How much and how long it takes depends to a large extent on the amount of aromatic anabolic steroids used, the individual’s sensitivity to aromatase inhibitors, and the aromatization rate of anabolic steroids.

Letrozole is the most powerful and effective of the three AI. For many steroid users, even the dose of 1.25 mg per day is already very high. Considering that the half-life of letrozole is 2-4 Дни недели, the more reliable recommended dose is 1.25 мг в день, or even less. If the user feels that its effect is too weak or too strong, the dose can be adjusted at any time.

Thirdly, the purpose of using aromatase inhibitors is to control estrogen levels and restore them to normal physiological levels, rather than significantly reduce or eliminate them, which will lead to physical problems.

One study showed that tamoxifen could reduce the plasma concentration of letrozole. следовательно, it is a very bad idea to use trazole together with tamoxifen in the future. The better choice for PCT is exemestane, because unlike letrozole, Эксеместан will not lose its effectiveness because it is used together with тамоксифен.

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