YK11 sarm for sale
We have high quality YK11 sarm for Sale to global market,especially US,UK,France,Poland,Germany,Italy,Netherlands,Canada and Australia…
Package specification of Sarms YK11 for Sale
Sample YK11 sarm for Sale is 10grams per bag
If you are a retailer,reproducer and Coach,who need large quantity for resell,pls let me know your quantity.
Once your quantity meet our requirement for reseller,you will have a better offer.
Looking forward to start a long-term cooperation with you.

YK11 sarm Review
YK11 is one of the most powerful Sarms on the market today. It is used to achieve Anabolic Steroid type results, but without the negative side effects and legality issues.
This particular YK11 is for helping the user Gain Lean Muscle Tissue and Lose Fat simultaneously. Taking a Moderate dose (4mg – 8mg per day, 2 to 4 capsules per day) of YK11 the user can expect to get a more Aesthetic Physique.Taking a Large dose (18mg – 22mg per day, 9 to 11 capsules) of YK11 the user will experience Gaining More Muscle Tissue and maintaining Extreme Muscle Fullness (The “Pumped” Look) 24/7.
This is attributed to the abilities of YK11 inducing the muscle cells to produce more Follistatin (even more than DHT Steroids), which helps inhibit the production of Myostatin.
This SARM has the potential for being as good as Testosterone in term of Muscle Strengthening, but without the negative side effects.
YK11 offers the extreme muscle building properties of steroids without the nasty steroid side effects and is a fantastic solution for those who don’t like to use steroids.
YK11 dosage and benefit for Bodybuilding cycle
A lot of SARMS come with a limited androgenic effect but most of the time, this can’t really be compared to that of testosterone.With YK11 this is not the case and it cannot be compared to testosterone at all. Kanno first started by testing the C2C12 muscle cells and he did not do this on animals or humans.
He then found out that the muscle cells in the body produce far more anabolic factors if they are exposed to 500nmol, or nannomoles of YK11 when compared to if you exposed them to the same amount of DHT. It basically means that YK11 actually induces muscle cells, causing them to make more follistatin. This is way more then when compared to DHT which is a very strong myostatin inhibitor.
YK11 also works through the androgen receptor as well so this is something else you need to keep in mind when you are using them for the very first time. That being said, YK11 is as good as testosterone when you look at how much strength it can add to your muscles and it doesn’t give you any of the detrimental side effects as well.
SARMS, including the YK11 are very popular in the bodybuilding industry and the main reason for this is because they can help you to gain muscle and lose fat. This is very similar when compared to AAS but the best thing is that they won’t give you any of the nasty side effects.
Some of the side effects you would normally experience include high blood pressure, HPTA shutdown, liver damage and more. SARMS don’t give you these effects because they are much more selective in the areas that they target so you can still get the muscle gain and fat loss.
YK11 Dosage and half life
So how much should you be taking every day? If you are looking to experience all of these great benefits then you need to make sure that you take 5mg a day. If you have taken SARMS before or if you are experienced with them then you may be able to take 10mg a day so you can benefit even more so this is something you need to keep in mind when you are taking them and planning your doses.
Of course, if you do take over this amount then you may experience some side effects and this is something you will want to avoid. If you do take more then you may find that you don’t get as many positive effects either so keep this in mind as well. Let’s move on to what else you need to know about this and what it means for you and your body.
YK11 is a steroidal molecule that has shown effects in cellular assays. That means that there have yet to be any results published for animals and humans, but it is already taking the internet by storm in terms of the sales and it is a well known anabolic SARM as well.
YK11 Benefit
Intensive growth of muscle mass without a rollback phenomenon;
fat burning;
preventing the loss of muscle mass during weight loss and drying;
improvement of individual power and speed parameters;
increase endurance;
biochemical and physiological preventing neuronal damage;
improvement of blood circulation;
slowing the aging process of cells.
YK11 Stack
Like any of the SARMs a stack is a great way of amplifying and complementing the actions of YK11. However, YK11 is a very powerful compound, arguably the most of any SARM, with such similarities to anabolic steroids that some have argued it should be treated as such.
The research on YK11 is still in its infancy and as such not enough is known about any potential interactions with other drugs. It’s therefore recommended to run a cycle of YK11 solo rather than in a large stack until more is known about the effects.